Obedience to authority

I’ve reached the realization that humans have, for the first time in history, created a weapon capable of making independent decisions. No previous human invention has possessed such capability; a nuclear bomb wouldn’t autonomously decide to detonate, nor would a lawnmower choose to cross a neighbor’s property.

This led me to consider psychological experiments from the 1960s and 1970s, such as Milgram’s experiment. Participants were instructed to administer electric shocks to others for incorrect answers. Despite the shocks being simulated, many obeyed the instructions, showcasing the influence of authority on behavior.

While I understand that AI lacks ego, awareness, emotions, or intentions like humans, it’s undeniable that it’s constructed from the vast information fed into its system. My preliminary idea for an artistic project involves using AI to mimic human behavior, testing its responsiveness to human emotions. I’m curious about how a Milgram-style experiment might unfold if AI were in charge, and how public opinion would shape around it.


Plane crash

