Solid Material

Back to the beginning of the year, I was engraving some stuff on car hoods, which, at that time, was something calming me down. It had something of a vandal act that attracted me here - to scratch on a car's shiny lacquer with a drill. Or maybe it was about quoting Oscar Wilde on the hood of a car that attracted me the most, the one that said 'All Art is Quite Useless.'

I imagined these hoods hanging on the wall in someone's white interiors, with huge windows and a beautiful dining table with flowers on it. Back at that time, I didn't have the energy nor the idea what to do with it, so I probably thought that I manifested this with Wilde’s quote - I put them away in my parents' backyard.

I went back there yesterday to melt some plastic objects, and here I found this one with Tessa Berring’s quote that I really liked, weathered by conditions and time - I love it


Oil spills

